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The Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR), in cooperation with the Octav Mayer Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMOM), the Faculty of Mathematics of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (UAIC), and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Ovidius University of Constanta (FMI), organizes the 14th edition of

Workshop for Young Researchers in Mathematics

The workshop will be organized in person at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, in Iasi, a culturally rich area of Romania. This year, the workshop is funded by the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) of the Romanian Government, through a grant at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together early-career mathematicians, to present their latest results, exchange ideas and discuss novel research directions. The workshop is traditionally organized as a two-day event with two parallel sessions:

Algebra, Geometry, Number Theory & Topology
Analysis, PDEs & Applied Mathematics

Preliminary registration:

Please fill in the registration form at
Deadline for the registration: May 8, 2025
Contributed talks: Please select the option during the registration process, before May 1, 2025.

The number of talks is rather limited by the fact that we only have two days available. In case that we have too many participants wishing to contribute a talk, priority will be given to PhD students and postdocs.

Organizers Emails: & for the Algebra, Geometry, Number Theory & Topology session & for the Analysis, PDEs & Applied Mathematics session